
When To Seek Professional Help for Foot Pain

Foot pain is certainly not an uncommon thing. If you are one of the millions suffering from foot pain, Dr. Jennifer Fung-Schwartz of Upper West Side, New York, NY, is the podiatrist to have on your team.

Knowing When to Seek Care for Foot Pain

You would be hard-pressed to find someone who hasn’t complained about their feet hurting. Fortunately for most, it’s only caused by a pretty tough work day or because they took their kids hiking over the weekend. When it’s due to such factors, it will typically go away on its own after resting.

Unfortunately for others, the pain doesn’t go away with rest because of an injury, or it’s chronic due to another issue. How do you know, then, if you should see a podiatrist when your feet hurt? Dr. Fung-Schwartz of Upper West Side, New York, NY, shares some signs you need professional care below.

1. The Pain Makes It Too Difficult to Walk or Put Weight On Them

Your pain should never be so severe that you can’t stand or walk around. If this is the case, seek care as soon as possible.

2. It’s Lasted More Than a Couple of Days

Generally, pain caused by being a little overworked will go away after a day or two of resting and icing your feet. If it’s still there after three or four days, there is likely an injury that needs to be assessed.

3. The Pain Comes and Goes

Pain from overwork also usually stays gone once it’s gone. If it comes and goes depending on your movements and actions, there could be a fracture, damaged soft tissues, or another problem beneath the surface.

4. You Notice Swelling, Redness, or Any Other Abnormal Signs

Sprains, fractures, and other injuries cause tenderness, swelling, and inflammation. If you notice any of these signs or any bruising, let a foot specialist take a look.

5. You Have Diabetes

Timely foot care is critical for diabetes. If you have any type of pain, numbness, or other symptoms in your feet, it’s time to schedule an appointment.

6. There Is Tingling, Numbness, or Burning

Sensations such as these can indicate an issue with the nerves. It’s wise to have this addressed immediately.

These signs are just a few guidelines for when to seek care, but you should never hesitate to make an appointment with our podiatrist if anything seems off or is causing you to suffer. You can schedule an appointment with Dr. Fung-Schwartz of Upper West Side, New York, NY, by calling (212) 678-2333.

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